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Star Boutique


Carry-on baggage :

  • 10 kg
  • Maximum dimensions: 5cm(Length) x35cm (width) x25cm (height) (including pockets, wheels and handles)
In addition to this luggage: you are entitled to a handbag accessory, laptop, camera ...
Total cabin weight: baggage + accessories must not exceed 12 kg on board the 737 and 9 kg on board the MA 60.
Checked baggage
  • 2 pieces x 20 kg (charged by weight)
  • Baby allowance: 10 kg

Carry-on baggage :

  • 10 kg on board the 737 and 5 kg on board the MA 60
  • Maximum dimensions: 55cm(Length) x35cm (width) x25cm (height), including pockets, wheels and handles
Total cabin weight: baggage + accessories must not exceed 12 kg on board the 737 and 8 kg on board the MA 60.
Checked baggage:
  • 2 pieces x 15 kg (tax by weight) on the 737
  • 1 piece x 15kg on MA 60


Carry-on baggage :

  • 10 kg
  • Dimensions maximales : 55cm(Longueur) x35cm (largeur) x25cm (hauteur) (poches, roues et poignées comprises)
In addition to this luggage: you are entitled to a handbag accessory, laptop, camera...
In addition to this luggage: you are entitled to a handbag accessory, laptop, camera...
Checked baggage
  • 2 pièces x 25 kg (taxation au poids).
  • Baby allowance: 10 kg

Carry-on baggage :

  • 10 kg
  • Maximum dimensions: 55cm(Length) x35cm (width) x25cm (height), including pockets, wheels and handles
In addition to this luggage: you are entitled to a handbag accessory, laptop, camera...
In addition to this luggage: you are entitled to a handbag accessory, laptop, camera...
Checked baggage
  • 2 pieces x 20 kg (charged by weight)